Aldo Acevedo


Last updated: 2024-06-14

Hi. I'm Aldo. I'm a guy who codes things.

The only project I maintain right now is souvlaki. It's a media key handling library I made back in 2021. I usually just respond to issues and merge pull requests, but I don't do much other than that. It was used in psst, which is a big project and made souvlaki receive lots of attention.

If you'd like to contact me you can go here, I'll make sure to respond.


Not everything is listed here, only notable mentions. Sorted by experience.

  • Programming languages:
    • Rust
    • C#
    • Python
    • Lua
  • Game engines:
    • Unity
    • Godot
    • Love2D
    • Bevy
    • MonoGame/XNA
  • Frameworks/Libraries:
    • WebGPU using wgpu-rs
    • OpenGL/WebGL (with custom graphics engines)
  • DAWs:
    • Ableton Live 10/11
    • Renoise
    • FL Studio 12
  • Instruments:
    • Guitar
    • Synthesizer (knob twiddling)

Professional experience

In the job realm, I worked 5 times as an intern in Posibillian Tech. I got to work on the projects Fhacktions, Coin Hunt: World, Niko y los 7 mundos, Romance GO. Apart from Niko my work on these projects was mostly focused on optimizing and refactoring existing features. I also did some DevOps work building a CI/CD system for GitLab.

You can check my LinkedIn for more detail.


  • 2018
    • Aguarandú (Paraguay programming competition): Silver medal.
  • 2019
    • Aguarandú: 1st place (Gold).
  • 2020
    • Aguarandú: 1st place (Gold).
  • 2021
    • Aguarandú: 1st place (Gold).
  • 2022
    • Concurso de Conocimientos Matemáticos FACEN UNA: 1st place (Gold)
    • Aguarandú: 2nd place (Silver).
  • 2023
    • IEEEXtreme 2023: 2nd Place in Paraguay (As DevSquadPro member)